What are course assessments? What should I expect from an assessment? What happens if I fail an assessment?
Getting Started with Assessments
Accessing Assessments
Assessments may appear at the end of modules or at the end of the course.
You will automatically progress to an assessment when it’s time.
Saving Progress
Your responses are saved automatically as you progress.
If you leave the course mid-assessment, you will resume where you left off next time you launch the course.
Assessment Question Types
Food Compliance HQ enhances your learning experience with a variety of question types, making assessments more engaging and effective. These include:
Single correct answer
Multiple correct answers
True or false statements
Single answer with image
Multiple answer with images
Match text with text
Match image with text
Match image with image
Match sound with text
Match sound with sound
This diverse range of question formats helps reinforce knowledge in an interactive and dynamic way.
Let's take a closer look at each of the question types:
An example of a single-choice question
Multiple Correct Answers
Select all the correct answers. All correct options must be selected for the answer to be marked correct. Partial credit is not awarded.
An example of a multiple-choice question
True or False Statements
Choose whether the given statement is true or false.
An example of a True or False Statement question
Single Answer with Image
Select the image that correctly matches the given prompt.
An example of a Single Answer with Image question
Multiple Answer with Images
This question type requires that you select the images that correctly match the given prompt.
An example of a Multiple Answer with Images question
Match Text with Text
For 'Match Text with Text' questions, tap each matching pair in turn to connect related terms or definitions.
An example of a Match Text with Text question
Match image with text
For this question type, select the image that best matches the given text prompt.
An example of a Match Image with Text question
Match Image with Image
For this question type, select the image that best matches the given image prompt.
An example of a Match Image with Image question
Match Sound with Text
For this type of question, select the sound that best matches the given text prompt.
An example of a Match Sound with Text question
Match Sound with Sound
Listen to each of the sounds and match the corresponding pairs.
An example of a Match Sound with Sound question
Submitting Your Assessment
All users are required to complete the feedback and rating form before accessing their certificates. This step is vital as it allows FoodComplianceHQ to understand how courses are received and gives learners an opportunity to leave private feedback or public reviews for other users considering the course.
If You Pass an End-of-Lesson Assessment:
Congratulations! You’ll see a success message and can proceed to the next lesson.
Your certificate will be automatically added to your "My Certificates" section.
An example of a success message after passing an end-of-lesson assessment
If You Pass an End-of-Course Assessment:
Congratulations! You’ll see a success message.
You can proceed to provide feedback on the course.
Your certificate is added to your account.
An example of a success message after passing an end-of-course assessment
If You Fail:
Don’t worry! Simply review the course material and retake the assessment (you have unlimited retries).
Don't worry if you don't pass the assessment. Review the course and try again.
By following this guide, you’ll feel confident and prepared to tackle assessments on Food Compliance HQ. If you need further help, reach out through the support section in your dashboard.